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Who We Are

The DSU Heritage Foundation was established in 2016 as a non profit 501c-3 organization to help provide needs to Dickinson State University in the form of scholarships, building support, and long-term endowments through private donations. The DSU Heritage Foundation consists of twenty-three board members, five full-time employee's, four part-time employee's, and thirteen work study students all working together to achieve the mission and vision of the DSU Heritage Foundation. Our main focus is scholarships, providing over 700 individual annual scholarships worth over $1.4M. The Foundation also assists in small and major building projects including, the Nursing Lab renovations, Athletic Weight Room, Outdoor Equestrian Studies arena, Sanford Sports Complex, and the renovation of the Agriculture & Technical Studies buildings. 



  • Stimulates and fosters an active interest by alumni and friends that encourages participation in the support of the University.

  • Creates and maintains a consistent flow of funds to achieve our vision.

  • Secures, manages, and disburses private funds for the benefit of the students and the University.


Strives to be the premier support for the University's commitment to provide the finest and most invigorating global-learning environment.


Core Values

Conducts itself with integrity, gives generously to its beneficiaries, and works passionately for the enhancement of the University.​

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Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(701) 483-2486
230 8th Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58601
(C) 2021 DSU Heritage Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
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