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Yuletyme is a Great Time for the DSU Heritage Foundation


December is considered by many, including the DSU Heritage Foundation, to be the most wonderful time of the year. In addition to it being the holiday season, it's also Yuletyme at Dickinson State University.

Yuletyme is the Foundation’s annual themed fundraising event held at the Biesiot Activity Center. The theme for Yuletyme 2023 is “Prom through the Decades.” Attendees are encouraged to dress in prom attire from their favorite decades, from tuxedos to leisure suits and enjoy a night of camaraderie, a social, a meal and a live auction, and conclude the evening with a live band.

The event is sold out, but everyone is still encouraged to take part in the online auction with proceeds going toward scholarships to benefit Dickinson State University students. There will be a great selection of online items on which to bid with all proceeds raised going to a great cause.

For more information on how you can take part in Yuletyme 2023, contact Pamela Rudolph at the Foundation, 701-483-2486



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Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(701) 483-2486
230 8th Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58601
(C) 2021 DSU Heritage Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
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