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Cowboys & Candlelight Event Recognizes Rodeo Team


Rodeo cowboys and cowgirls are much more at home in an arena than a ballroom, but one night each year is set aside to honor these individuals, connect with alumni and raise funds for the rodeo program. That night, that event, is Cowboys and Candlelight.

The annual event will be held Feb. 24, 2024, at the Eagles Club in Dickinson. “This event serves as one of the major fundraising avenues for the team while also allowing us to connect with alumni and supporters of the program,” said Kyle Smith, development officer for athletics and rodeo for the DSU Heritage Foundation.

The event is sponsored by the DSU Rodeo Council. Each year, it recognizes and celebrates the current DSU rodeo team, while also recognizing individuals who have made an impact on the team. In 2023, it began welcoming individuals and teams into the Blue Hawk Hall of Fame.

The inaugural Hall of Fame class includes members of the 1958 rodeo team: Tex Appledoorn, Angus Fox, Pete Fredericks, Dale Jorgenson, Dale Little Soldier and Esley Thorton.



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