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The DSU Heritage Foundation has a firm commitment to the success of our Blue Hawk students,

requiring that together we continually increase our support.

Through our website, you can make a gift at any time, for any amount, for any program, and make a difference.


Your support through expendable giving, endowed giving, estate giving, and annual giving will have tremendous impact on the lives and education of DSU students.  You can allocate your gift to

our general fund or direct your gift to any specific area of campus.


Our development team can help you maximize your investment to build a stronger future for DSU.




Gifts to the General Fund allows the DSU Heritage Foundation to support university needs throughout campus.  To donate to this fund, click below:


The DSU Heritage Foundation manages over $8.41 million dollars in endowments producing $196,406 in scholarships for the 2021-22 school year. Gifts of $25,000 (or more) will establish a named endowment following your designation for scholarship or program support. Your endowment can be funded by the gift of case, appreciated stock, or an IRA rollover, or a future gift through your estate plan. 


"Your gift will someday make a difference
in the life of its students."

-Dale Hansen, 1918 Legacy Society Member


The DSU Heritage Foundation began the 1918 Society to recognize individuals and families who have made planned gifts to benefit the foundation.  Having a planned gift for the DSU Heritage Foundation is extremely generous and we like to thank and recognize those who go above and beyond for DSU's

future generations.


Charitable bequests in wills and living trusts are the most common form of establishing a legacy gift in support of the DSU Heritage Foundation.  These revocable gifts also enable you to retain total control of your assets during your lifetime.  You can also designate the DSU Heritage Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. 


Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA, can help our work continue and benefit you this year.  A QCD gives taxpayers a double advantage, allowing a higher standard deduction and an additional charitable deduction. If you are 70 1/2 years of age or older, you can lower your income tax cost  on your taxes.

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Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(701) 483-2486
230 8th Avenue West
Dickinson, ND 58601
(C) 2021 DSU Heritage Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
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