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Alumni Fellows Nomination Form


The Alumni Fellows Program is sponsored in cooperation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs Council, School Deans, President's Office, the DSU Heritage Foundation Executive Committee, and the Alumni Committee It was implemented in 2003 to recognize alumni who have distinguished themselves in their respective careers.


Alumni Fellows Nominees must be an alumni member of Dickinson State University or Model/Campus High. An alumni member is defined as an individual who has earned 12 or more credits. The nominee should have graduated/attended and distinguished himself/herself in his/her chosen field. Fellows should be in the workforce currently so that they will be able to share current industry information with students and faculty. Once an individual is selected as an Alumni Fellow, they must wait a minimum of five years to be selected again (in the case that an individual graduates from DSU with more than one degree and is nominated in more than one area). Fellows must be able to physically attend the Alumni Honors Luncheon on the respective date to accept the award. In the case that a selected Fellow cannot attend, their name is re-entered into the nominations for future years.

Thanks for submitting your nomination form!

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