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Alumni Awards Nomination Form


The Alumni Awards recognizes alumni who have gone above and beyond in their respective field. Nominees should be individuals who give back to the University with time and effort, and display leadership in their career. Winners for each year are selected in April and recognized during Homecoming in the Fall. Current DSU Heritage Foundation employees are not eligible for Alumni Awards.


Honorees are chosen for three categories: Young Hawk, Golden Hawk, and Blue Feather. Young Hawk Award recipients must embody community spirit, passion, and a true love for their alma mater. The recipient of the Young Hawk Award must be 49 years old or younger. Golden Hawk Award recipients must have shown long-time commitment to Dickinson State University. This recipient is well established in their field and shows true pride in their alma mater. The recipient of the Golden Hawk Award must be at least 50 years old. The Blue Feather Award is the highest level of recognition presented to a friend of Dickinson State University. Though this person is not an alumnus, the Blue Feather Award recipient exemplifies passion, love, and commitment to DSU. The recipient of this award must be known for providing life changing experiences to colleagues, friends, and community. 

Thanks for submitting your nomination form!

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Dickinson, ND 58601
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